Amos Oz. A.B. Yehoshua, David Grossman e altri cinquecento intellettuali israeliani:No all'espulsione degli abitanti di Susiya

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The High Court of Justice is enabling the Civil Administration to demolish the village of Khirbet Susyiya, in effect ejecting the residents from their land, even as their petition appealing the rejection of their master plan for the village is still pending. At any moment, the Civil Administration might now demolish the village homes, leaving the residents with no shelter in harsh desert conditions. This mode of operation by the Israeli authorities allows them to take over additional lands and drive out communities from Area C. The absence of official annexation aside, the reality of the matter is that annexation and dispossession are already here in actual fact. To learn more, click here.
At any moment, Israel’s Civil Administration (CA) might demolish all homes and structures in Khirbet Susiya, a small Palestinian village in the South Hebron Hills, the West Bank. On 4 May 2015, Israel’s High Court of Justice (HCJ) denied a request for an interim injunction that would prevent the CA from implementing the demolition orders it had issued. The request was made during a hearing of a petition filed by the villagers, the latest measure in their battle against efforts by Israeli authorities to forcibly transfer them from their homes in Area C to Area B or A, as part of a policy to annex the area de-facto to Israel. Demolition would effectively mean banishing the residents from their land and their villageWhy were the demolition orders issued

Awaiting bulldozers, South Hebron residents appeal for Western help
The Nawaj’ah family of Susya village says they will not leave their land even if their homes are destroyed by the Israeli army

If Israel destroys the Palestinian village of Susya as planned, we will have committed a terrible crime. About 300 people live.....


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