Video: arrestato un Palestinese perchè guardava in modo sospetto

On the evening of Thursday, 27 July 2017, Nael al-Fakhuri was sitting with his neighbors outside his home, behind the segregation fence that the Israeli military built in the a-Salaimeh neighborhood of the Old City in Hebron. A Border Police officer who was standing at the nearby checkpoint, walked over. From the other side of the fence he accused al-Fakhuri of “looking in a suspicious way”. The two began arguing, and were then joined by another Border Police officer. With al-Fakhuri and the officers still on opposite sides of the fence, they ordered him to lift up his shirt and hand over his ID for inspection. Al-Fakhuri was detained for approx. 30 minutes until they returned his ID card.

La sera di giovedì 27 luglio 2017 Nael al-Fakhuri era seduto con i suoi vicini afuori dalla sua casa, dietro la recinzione di segregazione http: // ... che l'esercito israeliano ha costruito a A-Salaimeh quartiere della città vecchia di Hebron. Un funzionario della polizia di frontiera  si è avvicinato in quanto guardava in modo sospetto . . Al-Fakhuri è stato arrestato per per circa  . 30 minuti .


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