Richard Silverstein : Shabak uccide i militanti della Jihad islamica

Sintesi personale

:שיפה: משת"פ של השב"כ מילכד את האופנוע של שני אנשי הג'יהאד האסלאמי שנהרגו אתמול בעזה
حصري: عميل للشاباك هو الذي قام بتفخيخ الدراجة النارية, ما ادى الى مقتل عنصرين من سرايا القدس
assassinio shabak

Resti della motocicletta distrutta da Shabak
Ieri l'israeliano Shabak e l'IAF hanno assassinato due militanti della Jihad islamica (IJ) che attraversavano Gaza in motocicletta. Secondo una fonte della sicurezza israeliano  i due erano stati sospettati di aver pianificato un attacco non specificato, probabilmente una vendetta per l' omicidio dei  dodici lavoratori del tunnel 
gaza israeliano assassinio
Cratere lasciato dai bombardamenti dei droni (Mohammed Salem / Reuters)
Un residente di Gaza che lavora per conto dello Shabak ha posto un ordigno esplosivo sulla motocicletta. L'IAF  sorvegliava la scena  con un drone  e gli osservatori dei droni credevano di aver visto un oggetto sulla moto che assomigliava a un simile dispositivo ("un oggetto sospetto"). Una volta deciso di uccidere i due, il drone ha attivato il dispositivo che , esplodendo,ha ucciso i due.
IJ ha rilasciato una dichiarazione che nascondeva la vera causa delle uccisioni. esistente .  Sono proprio questi tipi di incidenti che sfuggono al controllo e portano alla fine all'invasione israeliana e    a migliaia di morti da entrambe le parti. L'anno scorso Hezbollah ha fatto quasi la stessa cosa dopo che uno dei suoi leader è stato assassinato dagli israeliani.
È interessante notare che mentre Hamas e Fatah negoziano   un governo di unità, con i colloqui recentemente ritardati su richiesta di Fatah, sembra che l'  IJ , rivale di Hamas , stia cercando di stabilire la sua resistenza  costruendo tunnel e pianificando attacchi contro Israele .


BREAKING: Shabak Assassinates Islamic Jihad Militants

חשיפה: משת”פ של השב”כ מילכד את האופנוע של שני אנשי הג’יהאד האסלאמי שנהרגו אתמול בעזה
حصري: عميل للشاباك هو الذي قام بتفخيخ الدراجة النارية, ما ادى الى مقتل عنصرين من سرايا القدس
shabak assassination
Remnants of motorbike destroyed by Shabak assassination
Yesterday, the Israeli Shabak and the IAF assassinated two Islamic Jihad (IJ) militants traveling through Gaza on a motorbike.  According to an Israeli security source, the two had been suspected of planning an unspecified attack, probably in revenge for Israel’s murder of twelve IJ tunnel workers a few weeks ago.
gaza israeli assassination
Crater left by drone bombing (Mohammed Salem/ Reuters)
A Gazan working on behalf of Shabak planted an explosive device on the motorcycle.  The IAF had a drone in the sky surveying the scene and the drone spotters believed they saw an object on the bike that resembled such a device (“a suspicious object”).  Once it was decided to murder the two, the drone activated the device electronically, which exploded killing the two.
IJ released a statement which concealed the real cause of the killings.  It said the victims were killed in an accident as they prepared an attack.  When queried, my source said he believed that IJ doesn’t wish to ratchet tensions any higher than they already are.  If it admitted they were killed by Israel, this would place the group under even greater pressure to retaliate.  It’s precisely these sorts of incidents which get out of control and lead eventually to Israeli invasions and thousands of dead on both sides.  Last year, Hezbollah did almost the same thing after one of its leaders was assassinated by the Israelis.
The security source said he was releasing this information because Shabak’s Palestinian accomplice to murder had been removed from danger (presumably from Gaza).
It’s interesting that as both Hamas and Fatah negotiate about a unity government, with the talks recently delayed at Fatah’s request, it appears that IJ is seeking to establish its resistance bona fides (and perhaps show-up its Hamas rivals) by building tunnels and planning attacks against Israel.
With Trump’s Jerusalem grandstand eclipsing the promising news of a political reconciliation, it remains to be seen whether it will proceed.  A deal was always a longshot given the animosity and history between the two groups.


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